Novel The Drowning By Racheal Ward

Hai , tonight I'm gonna to share with you guys tentang novel yang aku baru beli Dari scholastic . The tittle of novel is " The Drowning " By Racheal Ward . So here's are short synopsis .

 " What happens if you've done something terrible? But you can't remember what. And you don't know how to put it right ...When Carl opens his eyes on the banks of a lake, his brother is being zipped into a body bag. What happened in the water? He can't remember And when he glimpses a beautiful girl he thinks he recognizes, she runs away. Suddenly he knows he must find her - because together they must face the truth before it drowns them. 

Aku dah baca and novel ni sangat suspended *mukacuak* . It cames with hardcover so senang sikit kan nak jaga *slalunyaterkepaksanasini* . Kalau korang teringin nak baca boleh beli online sorry idk kat mana jual cuz aku beli kat sekolah . Novel ni adalah novel dari luar negara so korang kena bayar lebih sikit la untuk tukar RM kepada Dollar *ekonomiskarang* . Aku beli dengan harga RM25 . Sampai sini ja la aku share . Nanti aku share lagi ya novel yang aku beli . Wait yaa ♥


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