Queen Of Roses 🌹

Today I want to talk about the flower . what flowers yang korang suka ? Who's here "pencinta bunga " ? If you do , Tunjuk bunga masing masing *tadaaaaa* . So on Monday lepas aku ada class BI . Then teacher tengah story pasal apa ntah ( nampak sangat aku jenis pelupa ) that time teacher bagi contoh and aku dijadikan contoh ( mentang mentang aku duduk depan sekali ) *kidding* teacher cakap " andaikan Nina sebagai Queen Of Roses " lepastu aku dah tahan gelak dah *mukamerah* after 1 minutes baru satu class terbahak bahak ( teacher pon sekali ) maybe they saw may faced that time . You guys know its was really funny . I don't know why maybe sebelum ni aku hanya terkenal dengan barbie and princess princess je *hahaha* . Bila di fikir fikir balik aku rasa macam nak tukar Queen Of Roses to the Queen Of Fetals . Why ? Cause I'm not interested bunga roses .


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