
Showing posts from March, 2016

D.I.Y Tomato Skrub

Hai guys . Now I'm going to share cara cara supaya muka jadi flawless especially bagi kaum kaum wanita👱 kat sana tu . Cara caranya adalah mudah dan bahan bahannya pon senang dicari . Caranya ialah : 1 ) Potong buah tomato ( jangan terlalu              tebal or nipis ) 2 ) lumurkan gula pasir di atas tomato yang      dipotong sebentar tadi . 3 ) Oleskan dimuka dan biarkan selama 10 -       15 minit . 4 ) Kemudian bilas dengan air . Tadaaaaaaaaa ....... Senang kan .. So jadilah tomato scrub . Tak payah susah susah keluarkan duit yang banyak untuk beli facial scrub kat kedai .. Just D.I.Y je.. Tomato ni banyak kelebihan sebenarnya . Bukan setakat nak haluskan kulit . Kecilkan jerawat pon boleh . Nah ni kelebihan dan cara caranya yang boleh digunakan selain gula pasir . Selamat Mencuba ! 😋

Novel Faceless By Alyssa B. Sheinmel

First , time tengok catalogs novel scho lastic novel ni adalah novel yang paling first aku nak beli then novel the drowning . You know why ? Novel bi Sekarang payah sangat nak cari yang bermotivasi sikit for me lahh *jangankecam* . Harga pon murah just RM20 .  When Maisie's Winters wakes up, she’s in the hospital. The last thing she remembers is running through the hills of her neighborhood one misty morning. Slowly, she puts the pieces together. Before she could make it home, a storm gathered. Lightning hit a power line and sparks rained down, the hot-burning electrical fire consuming her. Destroying her face. Where her nose, cheeks, and chin used to be, now there is… nothing . Maisie’s lucky enough to qualify for a rare medical treatment: a face transplant. At least, everyone says she’s lucky. But with someone else’s features staring back at her in the mirror, Maisie looks—and feels—like a stranger. The doctors promised that the transplant was her chance to live a normal

Novel Dance In The Rain

" Kenapa mujahadah itu pahit? Kerana syurga itu manis. Ceritanya bermula begini... Ini kisah seorang gadis yang mahu mengenal Tuhan. Ibarat diari, dia mencoret tentang percintaan, persahabatan, perubahan diri dan segala macam rasa yang dia lalui. Ada suka dan duka. Ada masam dan manis. Ada masam dan tawar. Ehhh...macam-macam ada. Bercampur perasaannya. Selayaknya menari di dalam hujan.  Dance in the rain Dia ingin sekali berkongsi hakikat perjalanan seorang hamba, sebelum kembali bertemu-Nya.  " Aku dah baca novel ni and sangat best .Aku tertarik nak beli sebab cover dia cantik sangat pastu menarik perhatian aku pulak . Then , bila aku check novel ni , ternyata sangat bagus dan best . Untuk korang yang sedang istiqomah or otw , boleh lah beli novel ni . Aku beli kat Popular Bookstore . Semoga Kita semua dapat menjadi mujahidah yang sebenar di samping dapat beristiqomah bersama sama . Semoga Allah memberkati .

Novel The Drowning By Racheal Ward

Hai , tonight I'm gonna to share with you guys tentang novel yang aku baru beli Dari scholastic . The tittle of novel is " The Drowning " By Racheal Ward . So here's are short synopsis .  " What happens if you've done something terrible? But you can't remember what. And you don't know how to put it right ...When Carl opens his eyes on the banks of a lake, his brother is being zipped into a body bag. What happened in the water? He can't remember And when he glimpses a beautiful girl he thinks he recognizes, she runs away. Suddenly he knows he must find her - because together they must face the truth before it drowns them.   Aku dah baca and novel ni sangat suspended *mukacuak* . It cames with hardcover so senang sikit kan nak jaga *slalunyaterkepaksanasini* . Kalau korang teringin nak baca boleh beli online sorry idk kat mana jual cuz aku beli kat sekolah . Novel ni adalah novel dari luar negara so korang kena bayar lebih sikit la untuk tukar

Queen Of Roses 🌹

Today I want to talk about the flower . what flowers yang korang suka ? Who's here "pencinta bunga " ? If you do , Tunjuk bunga masing masing *tadaaaaa* . So on Monday lepas aku ada class BI . Then teacher tengah story pasal apa ntah ( nampak sangat aku jenis pelupa ) that time teacher bagi contoh and aku dijadikan contoh ( mentang mentang aku duduk depan sekali ) *kidding* teacher cakap " andaikan Nina sebagai Queen Of Roses " lepastu aku dah tahan gelak dah *mukamerah* after 1 minutes baru satu class terbahak bahak ( teacher pon sekali ) maybe they saw may faced that time . You guys know its was really funny . I don't know why maybe sebelum ni aku hanya terkenal dengan barbie and princess princess je *hahaha* . Bila di fikir fikir balik aku rasa macam nak tukar Queen Of Roses to the Queen Of Fetals . Why ? Cause I'm not interested bunga roses .